January 11, 2022

Jessup-Allende (6)

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buy Pregabalin 150mg tablets John answered Allen/Allende’s letter on September 3, 1971. He was, obviously, wary of anyone claiming to be Carlos Allende.

John had just finished writing Our Haunted Planet, which was published by Fawcett later that month. In Chapter 13, he mentions Allende, dismissing him as either a hoax or a myth: “A fantastic array of Allende impostors have turned up over the years to bedevil and bewilder the UFO buffs. He has managed to turn up in several different states at the same time. All kinds of letters and phone calls have been received by buffs in his name. Those who claim to have met him describe him as a swarthy man of Cuban or Spanish extraction. He rides around in a black Cadillac, of course.” He mentions that “a man claiming to be Carlos Allende” gave the Lorenzens a copy of the Varo edition, adding, “The real Allende, if there is a real Allende, would not have had access to a copy.” He equates him with other “mystery men” like Zdeen Alexander, who visited several ufologists in the early ’60s, and Mr. Dixsun, who once called on Edward Condon to announce that he represented the Seventh Universe.

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